Maths for early years

Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack
A set of powerpoints showing photographs of the most popular toys of the pre-50s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and modern toys; an introduction to the history of toys - going back to dolls in Ancient Greece to computers today; a look at portraits of children from the past playing with toys; a sorting toy activity into old and new, and an old poem about the wonders of a toy shop.
There are also 4 maths powerpoints looking at addition and subtraction in the toy shop, with cards to print for games.
The activities include:
An acrostic poem template
Animal cut-out templates to join together to make a moving toy
Colouring sheets
Pictures of new/old teddy
Puppets for role play
Russian doll set to print and laminate for size ordering
6 x Santa lists to use around Christmas
A thaumatrope template with instructions
3 x cover templates for a topic book
Toy sorting cards - to sort into different materials/ properties.
Toys from the past questionnaire to take home to fill in with parents.
A copy of an old book 'What shall we do next' from 1907 full of games and activities that children played
The Wonderful Toymaker fairy tale to read
An outline planning document with cross curricular links that can be adapted.
Old toys display - photographs
Children's portraits playing with toys
Toys banner
Toys heading
Toys in the past heading
Toys timeline

Daily routine flash cards for visual sequencing, SEND, EYFS
The cards can be used to help children plan the day, get ready for what is happening next and to communicate with others.
There are 72 cards included; 9 to each A4 sheet.
Updated version added February 2023*
If there are any other activities / extra cards you would like adding to the pack, please send a message and I can add them.

Year 1 Maths : Missing number problems
Introduction to missing numbers: explains what missing number problems are and gives strategies for working them out.
Behind the Barn: pictorial introduction to missing numbers – asks how many cows there are altogether if x number are hiding behind the barn
Missing number problems x 6
Printable resources:
Number cards and plus, minus and equals symbols
Flip flap number bonds to 10
number bonds to 10 addition sheet
Number bonds to 10 subtraction sheet
Toy prices
Number cards to 20

Transport EYFS topic pack - powerpoints and activities
A set of 13 PowerPoint resources and several printable activities looking at different types of transport for early years.
5 Little men in a flying saucer: The song
A-Z of transport: Pictures for every letter of the alphabet, related to transport
How does it travel: A simple quiz
Old and new transport: Compares old and new kinds of transport
Row your boat: The song
The history of cars: Pictures of cars, how they have changed
The history of transport: From the Stone age to the modern age.
The Wheels on the bus: The song, with sounds and animations
Types of transport: Different kinds with labels
Transport 2: Different kinds, why we need it etc.
Transport shapes: Simple shapes in the environment related to transport
Vehicles that travel in the air: Pictures and facts
Vehicles that travel on water: Pictures and facts
Vehicles that travel on land: Pictures and facts
Transport advertisements - Adverts from the past 100 years showing old cars etc. Can be printed or viewed as a show.
Transport lotto: Game to print out and laminate
Shape car: A car to make by cutting out shape
Black and white pictures with headings to colour / write on
5 Little Astronauts - props, heading and rhyme
5 Little Firefighters - props, heading and rhyme
5 Little men in a flying saucer - heading, props, masks and earth

Y1 Maths Geometry - position and direction
There are 4 powerpoints in this set:
Pivots: Shows examples of objects with pivots and how they work
Pivot worksheet (pdf): Objects with pivots
Objects that turn about a line: Shows examples of these kinds of objects.
Turns around a point - shows quarter and half turns on a clock.
Describing position: Shows different scenarios (Inside a house; a lounge; garage; bedroom, and classroom) and asks the children to describe the position of different objects using a range of vocabulary to describe position.

Early Years Maths PowerPoints - Number, counting, shapes and colour
A set of 25 EYFS powerpoints to teach number (including number formation), counting, shapes and colours.

Year 1 Maths: Read and write numbers
A set of powerpoints to help children read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words, including correct formation of numerals.

KS1 Maths Measurement: Money resources set - powerpoints, display, activities, games, worksheets etc
This pack contains over 60 files. It includes clipart money to print; posters explaining money values and the images on coins and notes; Heading and border for displays; different games; number lines using 2, 5, 10 and 20 pences; powerpoint lessons, and other worksheets and activities.

Y1 Maths number and place value: 1 more and 1 less
A set of powerpoints to help children practise identifying one more or less than a given number.

Year 1 Maths Number: Addition and subtraction - introduction to number sentences
Four powerpoints to introduce the concept of number sentences in KS1. They help to teach how to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals signs. Also included is a set of number cards plus add, subtract and equals symbols.

EYFS / KS1 Farm animal topic: powerpoints, displays and role play pack
A variety of resources on a Farm Animals topic - powerpoint lessons and games, printable displays, rhymes, props and colouring sheets.

EYFS Animals topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use during an Animal topic in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
5 Baby turtles
5 Little birds
5 Little monkeys bouncing
5 Little monkeys swinging
5 Little spiders
8 Enormous dinosaurs

EYFS Food topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use when teaching about food in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
One potato Two potato
5 Big Lemons
5 Crispy Pancakes
5 Currant Buns
5 Fat Peas
10 Fat Sausages

Huge Christmas pack - cards, colouring, display, activities and powerpoints
A bumper set of interactive whiteboard, display and printable crafts and activities, suitable for KS1 or lower KS2. The pack includes:
5 Little Reindeer
Can you solve the problems for Santa - 15 problem solving questions (Suitable for Y1, but you could adapt it for other years)
Christmas around the World - How Christmas is celebrated in 12 other countries
Christmas Carols - Words for Silent Night; The First Noel; We Three Kings; Away in a Manger
Christmas Songs - Words for Frosty the Snowman; Jingle Bells; Must be Santa; Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer; We wish you a Merry Christmas
Christmas Facts - Interesting facts about Christmas
Jingle Bells - The song
The Nativity Story
The Three Kings poem
Twinkle Twinkle
Winter Poetry
Who wants to be a millionaire Christmas quiz
The Three Wise Men / Christmas / The Nativity
A-Z LETTERING - Includes all upper and lower cases, numbers and punctuation.
Baubles / Christmas / Reindeer / Snowflake / Snowmen / Christmas Stockings.
Contains 27 words with accompanying pictures
A set of 12 different designs for the children to colour, paint or decorate.
Each card contains ‘Merry Christmas’ lettering, which can be coloured in; and a black and white image of either:
Three Wise men / Baby Jesus / Baubles / Bells / Reindeer / Santa / Star / Stocking / Tree /Tree and doves / Tree scene.
All you need to do is print them out and let the children choose a design
A range of Christmas activities to make and do
Christmas Alphabet / Christmas code breaker / Christmas tree poem / Christmas wordsearch - 3 different versions.
Santa list x3 versions / Santa beard list / Santa star list / Tree list
Santa letter 1 / Santa letter 2
Christmas border / Elves and lights border / Santa border / Star border / Stocking border
Christmas colouring - 13 various pictures / Nativity colouring - 12 pictures / Elves colouring - 7 pictures / Snowmen colouring - 6 pictures / Reindeer colouring - 7 pictures / Santa colouring - 10 pictures / Plus 7 assorted sheets with accompanying title to colour.

Year 1 Maths Reading and Writing numbers lesson, activity and display pack
This pack contains over 30 resources to teach the objectives for reading and writing numbers to 20 in Y1.
The set contains:
Number formation: Interactive activity which demonstrates correct numeral formation
Writing numbers in words to 10: pictures and written number names
Writing numbers in words 11-20: pictures and written number names
Numbers and number names to 10: pictures, numerals and written number names
Numbers and number names 11-20: pictures, numerals and written number names
Number flashcards x 3: To 20, to 50 and to 100. Each shows random numbers for children to recognise
Bingo: 3 versions; in digits, in written numbers and a blank version so the children can choose numbers to put in.
Coloured digits: for cutting and sticking activities
Number cards to 10: 2 versions, one in digits, one in words for matching games
Number bookmarks: Number characters to colour in; to 20
Large hollow numbers: for play dough activities, tracing, colouring in etc
4 x handwriting worksheets to practice writing digits
4 x worksheets to practice writing numbers to 20
Number formation display
Numbers in digits and words display
Numerals, words and counters display